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Tmux with Native Copy and Paste

This is a great tip and productivity enhancer.  You can now do native copy and paste with Tmux and OSX starting with Tmux 1.8 The guys over at thoughbot put this together and it's a good tip. You'll use the new copy-pipe  command to setup defaults in your tmux config. See the details in their post.

In google sheets, how to address the current cell in conditional format custom formula?

Short answer:= INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(),COLUMN())) Example: If current cell is divisible by 12 apply conditional formatting. =EQ(MOD(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(),COLUMN())),12), 0) Conditional formatting only looks that you return a true or false value E.G. =1 or =true (aka a truth value) Valid conditional custom formula: =1

How do you interpolate strings in Elixir?

How do you interpolate strings in Elixir? You use #{} in strings to add in elixir  iex> IO.puts "Hello #{:world}" 

What are booleans in Elixir?

What are booleans in Elixir? Booleans are actually Elixir atoms

What are boolean values in Elixir?

What are boolean values in Elixir? The two boolean values are: iex> true true iex> false false

How many ways can I write numbers in Elixir?

How many ways can I write numbers in Elixir? You can write them in: Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal iex> 1.0 1.0 iex> 10 10 iex> 0b1010 10 iex> 0o777 511 iex> 0x1F 31

Where can I ask questions about Elixir?

Where can I ask questions about Elixir? You can ask on: IRC: #elixir-lang at freenode IRC Slack: Elixir Forum: Stackoverflow:

How do I run a elixir script?

How do I run a elixir script? Type in a file: IO.puts "Hello World!" Then execute: $ elixir simple.exs