Textmate Bundle Command - Transpose Comma Seperated Lines to Tab Separated
Textmate Bundle Command - Transpose Comma Seperated Lines to Tab Separated
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
aa = Array.new
STDIN.readlines.each {|e| aa.push(e.split(","))}
aa = aa.transpose
aa.each { |e| ; e.collect!{|f| f.strip } ; puts e.join("\t") }
#Input Selected Text
#Output Replace Selected Text
#Key Equivalent
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
aa = Array.new
STDIN.readlines.each {|e| aa.push(e.split(","))}
aa = aa.transpose
aa.each { |e| ; e.collect!{|f| f.strip } ; puts e.join("\t") }
#Input Selected Text
#Output Replace Selected Text
#Key Equivalent