Setting up Oracle with JBoss

Here is an example JBoss Oracle JDBC Datasource configuration file:

<!-- Datasource config for Oracle originally from Steven Coy -->





<!-- Here are a couple of the possible OCI configurations. For more information, see <connection-url>jdbc:oracle:oci:@youroracle-tns-name</connection-url><br /> or<br /> <connection-url>jdbc:oracle:oci:@(description=(address=(host=youroraclehost)(protocol=tcp)(port=1521))(connect_data=(SERVICE_NAME=yourservicename)))</connection-url><br /><br /> Clearly, its better to have TNS set up properly.<br /> -->




<!-- Uses the pingDatabase method to check a connection is still valid before handing it out from the pool -->


<!-- Checks the Oracle error codes and messages for fatal errors -->


<!-- sql to call when connection is created <new-connection-sql>some arbitrary sql</new-connection-sql><br /> -->

<!-- sql to call on an existing pooled connection when it is obtained from pool - the OracleValidConnectionChecker is prefered <check-valid-connection-sql>some arbitrary sql</check-valid-connection-sql><br /> -->




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